Friday, May 23, 2014

Environmentally Friendly??

We've all heard the rants about animal testing, chemical pollution due to makeup, and child labour. I decided to dig in to a few companies and find out if our favourite brands are testing on animals!
I found out that if a product says something along the lines of "only tested on animals when required by law," that tells you absolutely nothing. What you need to find out is what countries this product is sold in, because certain countries require all products to be tested on animals. Anything sold in China has been tested on animals, guaranteed, because it is required by law.

Here is a list of some major cosemtic companies that test on animals:

Here are some companies that aren't tested on animals:
-L'Oreal (Lancome, Armani, Yves Saint Laurence)
-Revlon (both L'Oriel and Revlon used to sell to China but have recently pulled out so that they are no longer required to test on animals)
-Physician's Formula
-Covergirl is a little up in the air, because they used to test on animals, although an unconfirmed rumour has it they no longer do animal testing.

PETA has a great resource for quickly finding out if a company tests on animals. Click here to check it out!

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